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Razor Winging Into KB Toys Soon

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wholerazoropen.jpg - 13647 BytesRaving Toy Maniac recently checked in with the folks at ReSaurus to see the status of their upcoming figure of Jeff Luttrell's Razor. The figure, done in conjunction with the Make-a-Wish Foundation, will be, as previously reported, sold exclusively at KB Toys. Razor is shipping to KB's now and should start appearing on store shelves very soon. Quantities of the Razor figure are limited. It is not known if KB will be offering Razor via thier online KBKids.com webstore, so starting hunting those stores for this terrific figure.

Not only is Razor just a cool looking figure, but a portion of the proceeds from the figure will go back to the Make-A-Wish foundation making it possible to add a great figure to your collection and contribute to a worthy organization at the same time.

Photos shown here are of the actual production pieces, so you know what to look for!

For the whole story of how Razor came to be check out the feature article at Resaurus' site: Jeff Luttrell's Razor!

[Updated 3/23/2000]

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