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Summer Con Exclusive Gungrave

gungrave action figure


In 2002 Yasuhiro Nightow, creator of TRIGUN, designed a Playstation 2 videogame called GUNGRAVE. Now, acclaimed Osaka based toy maker Kaiyodo has realized the main character of the game, BEYOND THE GRAVE, in three dimensions. Kaiyodo and Nightow have previously collaborated on the fan-favorite TOY TRIBE line of TRIGUN action figures.

This figure will be available to retailers exclusively at the Diamond Comic Distributors booth at this summer's COMICON INTERNATIONAL: SAN DIEGO and WIZARD WORLD CHICAGO.

Retailers in turn will be selling this amazingly detailed figure at their booths and shops (and likely more than a few will turn up on eBay).

SRP $9.99
UPC 6-99788-80299-1
Limited to only 2003pcs (for Summer 2003, naturally)
Available at SDCC and Wizard World Chicago

Character name is "Beyond The Grave"
Figure stands 4in tall
Highly detailed sculpt: includes metallic paint highlights; no articulation
Includes two removable handguns (called the twin guns "Cerebus")
Includes Coffin accessory, with metal chain to hang the coffin from Grave's back
Includes display stand.

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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