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JAKKS Pacific Awarded "Vendor of the Year" By Toys R US

btc_rockfigure.jpg - 6985 BytesJAKKS Pacific Inc. today announced that, for the second consecutive year, the company has been awarded the prestigious Toys R Us ``Vendor of the Year Award.''

JAKKS Pacific is a multi-brand toy company that designs, develops, produces and markets toys and related products, including: action figures and accessories featuring licensed characters, principally from the World Wrestling Federation; Flying Colors molded plastic activity sets, clay compound playsets and lunch boxes; Road Champs die-cast collectible and toy vehicles and Remco toy vehicles and role-play toys and accessories; Child Guidance infant and preschool electronic toys, toy foam puzzle mats and blocks, activity sets and outdoor products; and fashion and mini dolls and related accessories.

Raving Toy Maniac congratulates JAKKS Pacific on this prestigious award.

[Updated 3/02/2000]

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