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MillionairePlayboy.com Launches

millionaire playboy logoMarch 3, 2003 -- MillionairePlayboy.com (MPb), a new web magazine designed and maintained by toy and comic collectors invites you to come chill at their pad. This new site offers reviews of the latest toys and comics in the stores, and can help you learn about what you didn't even know existed.

MPb also features online content for livin' online, such as dating service tips and "How to doctor your profile pic for picking up chicks online."

Check out their message board and connect with a like-minded collector, you can even pimp your own eBay auctions.

Founded by former RTM Editor Andy Jones, MPb tries to report on collecting and living online in a new light and humor.

With a design and sophomoric humor reminiscent of the golden days of the American bachelor, MPb tries to make living single and blowing your paycheck on collectibles, cool.

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