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11-inch Gungrave Figure

gungrave action figure

February 2003 - A new figure from the hit Playstation 2 game Gungrave is headed towards toy shelves, and will available through Diamond Comic Distributors!

Gungrave is a third-person shooter features the main character "Beyond the Grave," who uses his gun Cerberus and a coffin that he carries on his back that is stuffed with weapons. This figure, the Gungrave 11-inch Action Figure, is the first from this new and exciting video game.

Imported from Japan, this figure was created by Kaiyodo of Japan, whose previous releases include the Monev the Gale Action Figure, and the Neon Genesis Evangelion EVA Units. The Grave 11-inch Action Figure is a remarkable representation of the main character from the game, and features outstanding articulation and the character's in-game weapons, including his deadly gun Cerberus. Scheduled to ship in late summer/early autumn 2003, this is a collectible that no fan of video games or unique collectibles will want to miss.

Fans can find this and other great products based on today's most popular animation characters at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at http://csls.diamondcomics.com.

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