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Furreal Friends Kittens

PAWTUCKET, R.I. -- Jan. 31, 2003 -- Hot on the heels (make that paws) of one of holiday 2002's "must have" toys -- FURREAL FRIENDS Cats -- Hasbro, Inc.'s Tiger Electronics brand's cuddly, new FURREAL FRIENDS Kittens are now widely available at retailers coast-to-coast. Just like their older siblings, these adorable new electronic plush kittens convincingly duplicate and mimic the mannerisms of a 'real' kitten.

"The success of FURREAL FRIENDS Cats has been overwhelming. Now, early, brisk sales for FURREAL FRIENDS Kittens demonstrate that consumers are eager to embrace new versions of our realistic toy pets, proving that FURREAL FRIENDS has what it takes to make it a popular, long-term brand," said Duncan Billing, general manager of Hasbro's Tiger Electronics brand. "And there's even more FURREAL FRIENDS fun coming later this year, so stay tuned!"

"We saw terrific response to FURREAL FRIENDS Kittens when we introduced them in December with a limited supply, and the momentum has really kept up," said Jim Feldt, President of Merchandising and Marketing for Toys "R" Us. "FURREAL FRIENDS shows signs of becoming a great franchise, and we're excited about its future."

Each FURREAL FRIENDS Kitten has a sensor located on its back, strategically placed to induce a natural interaction between owner and kitten. When you stroke the kitty, it triggers realistic "padding" and "kneading" front paw movements as well as a range of kitten sounds such as purring and meowing.

Each FURREAL FRIENDS Kitten comes complete with a special milk bottle that it just loves to be "fed" with! Hold the bottle up to the little kitty's mouth and listen to its eating sounds.

FURREAL FRIENDS Kittens come in a variety of colors. They offer interactive companionship, ownership, entertainment and a sense of love and affection. FURREAL FRIENDS Kittens are so amazingly close to the real thing, you might not even know the difference!

Hasbro's Tiger Electronics has led the industry in delivering highly innovative, technology-driven entertainment and lifestyle products for the whole family. Some of its most well-known product lines include HITCLIPS, FURREAL FRIENDS, FURBY and GIGA PETS.

Hasbro (NYSE: HAS) is a worldwide leader in children's and family leisure time entertainment products and services, including the design, manufacture and marketing of games and toys ranging from traditional to high-tech. Both internationally and in the U.S., its PLAYSKOOL, TONKA, MILTON BRADLEY, PARKER BROTHERS, TIGER and WIZARDS OF THE COAST brands and products provide the highest quality and most recognizable play experiences in the world.

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