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Avengers & Adversaries: Vision Statue

vision statue

December 2002 - A Diamond Select Release - Created from the body of the original Human Torch, and programmed with a copy of Wonder Man Simon Garth's own personality and memories, The Vision has been an integral member of the Avengers since his creation in the late '60s. Now the sythezoid Avenger joins the ranks of Diamond Select's Avengers & Adversaries series as this stunning resin masterpiece.

Cast partially in see-through resin, the Vision seemingly passes through solid matter to advance on his unseen foe. The Vision was sculpted by Sam Greenwell and measures roughly eight inches in height. Limited to 3,000 pieces worldwide, each accompanied by a full-color, hand-numbered Certificate of Authenticity.

Scheduled to ship in April 2003, with a suggested retail price of $75 USD.

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