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Wizard 132: Jim Lee's Batman

Wizard 132: Jim Lee Batman

July 30, 2002 - Wizard Entertainment is proud to announce that Wizard: The Comics Magazine #132, will feature two exclusive comic previews. Jim Lee makes his return to a monthly series with DC Comics' Batman #608; see the first 9 pages of his 12-issue run with acclaimed writer Jeph Loeb in Wizard #132. Courtesy of Devil's Due and Image, the new mini-series, G.I. Joe: Frontline will make its debut in 6 pages of Wizard #132. Written by Larry Hama, an original writer and co-creator of G.I. Joe comics and penciled by artist Dan Jurgens.

Also, Wizard #132's cover story features Mark Waid profiling his controversial career in comics and his return to Marvel. Mike Wieringo, new artist of Fantastic Four also lends his talents to the cover of Wizard #132.

The alternate cover depicts the movie version Spider-Man and Wolverine and is painted by Joe Jusko. In this issue, Wizard takes an exclusive tour of the sets of the upcoming Marvel movies, X-Men 2, Daredevil and Hulk.

Wizard: The Comics Magazine #132 will go on sale July 31th at comic book specialty stores and on August 6th at newsstands everywhere.

Wizard Entertainment in Congers, New York, publishes the top-selling, award-winning special interest magazines Wizard: The Comics Magazine, ToyFare: The Toy Magazine, InQuest Gamer: The Gaming Magazine and Anime Invasion, which are available at newsstands, comic book and hobby specialty stores everywhere. The company also operates the annual Wizard World Chicago event, the largest popular culture/multi-media three-day convention in the country; attendance exceeds 40,000.

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