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Toys'R'Us R2-D2 Update

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July 10, 2002 - A little birdie has let RTM know two things of interest to collectors about the upcoming Toys'R'Us exclusive Silver Anniversary R2-D2 action figure...

1. While $25 has been mentioned several times as the minimum purchase requirement to receive the R2-D2 figure, no dollar amount has officially been set yet. So while it could very well be $25, it could also be $100. The birdie pointed out that $100 would make sense, because that is the price range on the R2-D2 Interactive Astromech Droid, which is due out in August, the same time frame as the Silver R2 giveaway.

2. You know all those eBay auctions for the Silver R2-D2? Toys'R'Us has contacted the sellers in the "on hand" auctions and asked them to remove their listings. (If the auctions were for "presales" it is a different matter.) No one should have one yet, as Toys'R'Us has not released any, nor has Hasbro. Interestingly, as of the afternoon of July 10th, not a single seller has replied to Toys'R'Us.

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