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LOTR DVD Set: Pillars of Argonath Bookends

Pre-order: Special Gift Set of Extended Version of The Fellowship of the Ring DVD

June 7, 2002 - Sideshow/Weta has announced that they have created a set of Argonath Figures which will be included in the Collector's DVD Gift Set of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. (See more images of the Argonath.)

These polystone Pillars of the Argonath can be used as bookends, and are not the only extra in this DVD set. Also included are special trading cards from Decipher and a new version of the National Geographic DVD on the making of The Fellowship of the Rings.

The movie itself is the widescreen version of the extended director's cut of The Fellowship of the Ring, with an additional 30 minutes of footage and new music. The film takes up two DVDs, and the set includes two more DVDs, with hours of documentaries and thousands of images. (Read more about the DVDs.)

This set will be released on November 12, 2002, but can be pre-ordered at places such as New Line's LOTRShop.com.

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