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McFarlane Toys Expands To The World Of Anime

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mononoke_poster.jpg - 9718 BytesMcFarlane Toys is looking to even further diversify it's product lineup in 2000 according to a report on Action Ace's Toytanic.

Besides looking for an in into the kids market with the previously reported on Where The Wild Things Are line slated for later this year, McFarlane Toys is also looking at the manga and anime market as inspiration for future lines.

It has already been confirmed that McFarlane Toys has acquired the licenses for the classic anime Akira, as well as the recently released (in the U.S.) Princess Mononoke.

While Akira is apparently a go, it seems the Princess Mononoke figures might never see the light of day as the company is dealing with some snags in the approvals process.

2000 looks to be a banner year for fans of McFarlane Toys. The ever-popular Spawn lines will continue throughout the year. Additionally, fans can look forward to Austin Powers Series 2, more Movie Maniacs, the Mackenzie Brothers, eh, and Slapshot's Hanson Brothers. Todd has also inked a deal with the National Hockey League for Hockey action figures and will be producing a line of Ultima Online 2 figures in the Fall (as well as providing some character concepts to the game designers) .

Next months American International Toy Fair will undoubtably unveil even more surprises from the innovative toy company.

Source: ActionAce's Toytanic

[Updated 1-10-2000]

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