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A New Beanie Beginning After The End?

ty_logo.gif - 3040 Bytesty_theend.jpg - 3413 BytesThe End is coming for Beanie Babies, literally. The last Beanie will be a bear named The End. But, what comes after The End?

Beanie Babies maker Ty is touting a "very important global newsflash" on it's website to be announced on Christmas Eve, December 24th.

According to the Toy Trove newsletter at least one Beanie Baby expert thinks thecompany will be announcing the birth of a new line of collectibles. Mary Beth Sobolewski, editor-in-chief of Mary Beth's Bean Bag World Monthly, speculates the company is planning to replace its retired Beanie Babies with new plush toys that may be smaller than Beanies for easier store display and made of the same patented fabric used on Ty's larger Beanie Buddies to counteract counterfeiting. She also envisions hang tags equipped with holograms similar to those used on Beanies' tush tags to further counterfeit-proof the line.

Beanie Baby collectors will just have to wait for the big announcement to find out exactly what Ty has planned for the future of Beaniedom.

[Updated 12-20-99]

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