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Bubbles You Can Catch

Catch-A-BubbleToronto, ON - Remember those carefree summer days, blowing liquid bubbles, watching them sail into the air, fading away, and eventually popping. Well those days are over and those liquid bubbles are a thing of the past. Get ready for the North American debut of Spin Master Toys' Catch-a-Bubble - a new bubble blowing formula that has created a major craze in Australia and Singapore since being introduced in September.

An incredible bubble making break-through has allowed the once fragile bubbles to become stronger, more durable and quite simply, more fun. After blowing the bubbles into the air, a special formula makes the bubbles harden after only a few seconds. From that point on you can catch them, stack them, throw them, basically, have more fun with them.

"For more than 100 years children have been blowing bubbles using the same basic soap and water solution," says Jim Silver, Publisher of The Toy Book. "Catch-A-Bubble is a breakthrough innovation to this play pattern, that allows children to fulfill their wishes - actually catching their bubbles."

Clearly, these bubbles are awesome! Blowing into stores this spring, Catch-A-Bubble's suggested retail price is $3.99.

Spin Master develops, manufactures, markets and distributes its own toy products around the world. Diligent Product Development and Powerhouse Marketing Strategies have created a worldwide reputation for Great Products. Highly recognized for its Creative Vision, Spin Master is one of the fastest growing toy companies in the world. The company has several well-known brands including, AIR HOGS®, FLICK TRIX®, E-CHARGERS®, METAL MAXX® and SHRINKY DINKS a registered trademark of K&B Innovations Inc.

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