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Catch 'Em All For A Good Cause

sandshrew.gif - 6551 Bytespoliwag.gif - 6164 BytesAs if the Pokemon craze wasn't already insane enough, Hasbro has announced the retirement of some of it's Pokemon figures. Hasbro had announced the retirement strategy when they first announced acquiring the Pokemon license for the U.S. market. Various Hasbro Pokemon product will be retired periodically as new figures and characters are introduced.

The #27 Sandshrew found in the Pokeball 2 pack assortment, and #60 Poliwag found in the Pokeball Blaster 3 pack assortment were both retired back on October 19th, meaning that these figures are no longer in production. What's currently out there is it. This were surely make Pokemon collectors, frantically trying to catch 'em all, even more frantic.

Keep track of your Pokemon collection at Pokemon.com.

Hasbro is also holding a charity auction on the Yahoo! Auction site. 50 of the recently released Electronic I Choose You, Pikachus are being auctioned off to raise money for the Hasbro Childrens Hospital. You can get one of the season's hottest toys and help a worthy cause at the same time.

[Updated 12-16-99]

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