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Outer Space Men Customs Show at Toypocalypse 2: Futuretro



January 6, 2012 - The Four Horsemen are looking for customizers to be part of their annual gallery show, Toypocalypse 2: Futuretro at TT Underground in New York City!

In celebration of the 45th anniversary of the Four Horsemen's licensed action figure line, The Outer Space Men, the Four Horsemen are inviting you to create you very own Outer Space Men customs that will be displayed at their upcoming gallery show at TT Underground Gallery in New York City beginning February 10th alongside the work of the Four Horsemen themselves!

It's easy! Just print and fill out the submission form at http://www.fourhorsemen.biz/news/2012/1/3/outer-space-men-customs-show-at-toypocalypse-2-futuretro.html and start customizing your Outer Space Men! All submissions are due no later than February 6th, 2012 (show begins Feb. 10th). Don't be afraid, You can customize your favorite figure. The Horsemen hope to get all types of customs: re-paints, mash-ups with Glyos or any other action figure lines, newly sculpted parts and accessories, etc. Anything goes! You're only hindered by your imagination!

The Four Horsemen will have special guest customizers, including one that OSM fans have been waiting decades to see more OSM work from!

The Four Horsemen have lots of other cool stuff and surprises planned for the show, so be sure to check back at http://www.FourHorsemen.biz often for more info.

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