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Homer & Bart Simpson 10" Qee Customs

simpons qee figures

November 2011 - D'Oh! Simpsons Qee Customs Continue to Pop Up!

Toy2R is thrilled to share the latest customs using our 10" Simpson Qee platform. From Frank Mysterio comes the 'Zombified Homer' and from ViseOne a new 'Comic Stipped Homer.' Mikie Graham used the 10" Bart version to create 'Hugo Simpson.'

Even though Toy2R ended its Simpson Qee run a couple of years ago, both the Homer and Bart 10" DIY Qees seem to connect with artists as they continue to create amazing customs. We salute those who continue to hunt and produce original takes using the Simpson Qee Platform.

Toy2R created three series of 3" Bart Simpson Qee Assortments (including a DIY and special exclusive versions), one assortment of 3" Homer Simpson Qees and a collection of 10" Simpson Qees (including the classic Bart and Homer versions as well as the DIY editions and some Halloween editions of Bart). Hard core collectors should note that were are several variants and exclusives produced and the complete Simpsons Collection includes over 60 different designs!

simpons qee figures

simpons qee figures

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