Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Minimates
 November 2011 - It's hard to believe that it's been almost 14 years since the first Marvel vs. Capcom fighting game out. What's even harder to believe is that it's been almost as long since the franchise had any toys! While both Marvel and Capcom have had great action figures over the years, they haven't shared the same toy packaging in over a decade... until now! The first wave of Marvel. vs. Capcom 3 Minimates is in Toys "R" Us stores now, and it's the first of many. Iron Man, Arthur, Dante, Deadpool, Hulk, Mike Haggar, Magneto and Zero will soon be joined by even more Marvel characters, as well as fighters from such Capcom games as Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Darkstalkers, Viewtiful Joe, Okami and more. Minimates stand 2 inches tall with 14 points of articulation each, and are sold in packs of two with plenty of game-specific accessories. Check out our pics below, then track them down at your local TRU or online! For more updates, check DST out on Facebook and Twitter. To order online, or find a Toys "R" Us near you, visit!
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