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36" Zombie Pirate Qee, Olaf the Mute by Jon-Paul Kaiser

Toy2R and Qee

September 2011 - Jon-Paul Kaiser's Zombie Pirate: Olaf the Mute 36" Artist Qee.

The gargantuan crewmember of the Whispering Corsair, prized for his great strength and unwavering loyalty to Captain Sturnbrau, was discovered upon a rocky island, blanketed in thick mists. Protecting his adopted home, Olaf attacked the crew with his bare hands. Despite being well armed with cutlass & musket, many of the Corsair's crew were rendered in twain by the enraged assailant until the dark captain strode fearlessly up to Olaf and offered him passage on his ship. Olaf accepted and has proved his worth in many a skirmish; always at the head of the charge into battle, no matter the odds.

Toy2R is now proud to include this 36" edition of this titan as part of the ongoing 36" Artist Qee Series. Limited to only 36 pieces worldwide, and waving a SRP of $2800.00, this figure will be the centerpiece for any hard-core Jon-Paul Kaiser fan.

Take on the challenge of taming the giant and add Olaf to your collection. Wholesale orders being accepted by Apex Trading now ([email protected]). Special orders can also be placed through [email protected] directly.

Avast maties... the time is nigh. Act now before he disappears into the myth once again...

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