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Feb 19: Dark Talisman Scarabus & Light Talisman Scarabus

four horsemen action figures


February 2011 - The Four Horsemen's extremely limited Dark Talisman Scarabus and Light Talisman Scarabus figures will go on sale through Store Horsemen (http://www.StoreHorsemen.com) this Saturday night (February 19th) at 9:00 pm EST.

Only 100 of each of these two extremely limited figures will be sold through Store Horsemen, and are expected to go quickly. This will be your ONLY way to get these extremely limited figures without attending the "Toypocalypse: A Four Horsemen Retrospective" gallery show, besides the secondary market.

Pricing for these limited edition figures will be $50.00 each for the Light Talisman Scarabus (plus shipping & handling), $50.00 each for the Dark Talisman Scarabus (plus shipping & handling), and $95.00 for the set of both Light Talisman Scarabus and Dark Talisman Scarabus (plus shipping & handling).

four horsemen action figures

The Dark & Light Talisman Scarabus figures to be sold through Store Horsemen are virtually the same as the figures sold at their current "Toypocalypse: A Four Horsemen Retrospective" gallery show except for one significant difference � the outside of the blister packaging for each figure will feature an attached, individually hand cast and gold painted Scarabus Talisman disc.

Regular edition Scarabus pre-orders are expected to begin in early March, and it still remains to be seen whether all of the Scarabus variants will be sold through Store Horsemen, or if various retailer partners will once again join with the Four Horsemen in the sales and distribution of these figures.

Keep watching the Four Horsemen's website (http://www.FourHorsemen.biz) for all news and updates about Scarabus and all things Four Horsemen.

Members of the FANtastic Exclusive forum can reserve their Scarabus figures ahead of time - check this post on the Four Horsemen site for more information.

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