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Living Dead Dolls Pre-Toy Fair Q&A

February 2011 - Since 2011 marks the 13th Anniversary of Living Dead Dolls, Mezco Toyz has a big batch of interesting new items planned. We weren't patient enough to wait for Toy Fair, so we asked a few questions early!

Damien Glonek (one of the original creators of the Living Dead Dolls) was kind enough to answer:

Question: Sometimes the exclusive dolls are in coffins, and sometimes they are in a "collector friendly fifth panel window box." What goes into deciding how to package them? Do the vendors decide that, or is it a cost issue?

Answer: We decide whether to put dolls in coffin or fifth panel window boxes. We usually just do licensed dolls in window boxes to differentiate them from the other dolls.

Question: You're translated LDDs into other sizes and formats (the Minis, the Fashion Victims, the (baby) Dollies, the Ragdolls, the big Porcelain dolls) - do you have any plans you can share about new formats? I'd love to see LDD Mez-Itz or Mini Mez-Itz.

Answer: There will most likely never be LDD Mez-itz, I don't think they would carry over well into that format. But we do have some brand new exciting formats that we will be unveiling at Toy Fair in a couple weeks.

Question: What comes first? The design of the doll/character or the verse that goes on the chipboard across the front of the package?

Answer: Almost always the design of the doll/character comes first.

Question: What is your favorite non-doll LDD item that you have produced?

Answer: Definitely the old school Halloween mask set we did last October. Being a collector of vintage Halloween costumes in the window boxes, it was great to pay homage to these with a creation of our own.

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