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Toy2R Launches the 5" Mini Qee DIY Series

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5" Mini Qees - The Next Generation Of Fun!

January 2011 - The first 10 years were just the beginning. Welcome to the next generation in the evolution of Qee as the launch of the 5" Mini Qee DIY Series starts 2011 and the Year of Qee!

Seven of your favorite Qee characters come to life in this new and exciting scale including the MON and TOYER Versions, making it even easier to join the world of DIY and custom art figures. Today's sneak peek is of our iconic TOYER figure, now in 5" Mini Qee format. With articulated arms and head (easy to remove, making it easier for customizing) the Mini Qees are fun and full of possibilities! With an SRP of $15 and dropping in February, the DIY world will never be the same!

Originally launched with last year's Pumpkie Mini Qee and Jon-Paul Kaiser's Samurai Pumpkin, collectors and fans will see new artists editions released throughout the year as well.

This release is just one of the many projects planned for 2011 as Toy2R celebrates the 10th Anniversary of the Qee brand. If you thought you knew Qees, think again, as Qee redefines the DIY platform genre once again in 2011, The Year of Qee.

Welcome to the Qeevolution...

Hang on, the ride is just beginning!

(More teasers coming soon, so stay tuned in!)

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