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Hasbro's Supercharge Your Gift Card Promotion

hasbro after the holidays 2010
December 2010 - Hasbro has send word of a post-holiday promotion that could bag you a few free toys:

Happy Holidays!

We hope that you're enjoying a happy and healthy holiday season. This year Hasbro is extending the holiday season with its "Supercharge Your Gift Card and Cash Too" promotion, which rewards consumers who spend $20 or more on select Hasbro toys and games with one of over twenty FREE Hasbro toys and games!

The promotion begins on December 25, 2010, and runs through January 31, 2011. So when you're out shopping with those gift cards you receive this holiday season, make sure to purchase Hasbro toys and games and you'll be rewarded with a FREE toy or game from one of many Hasbro brands, including TRANSFORMERS, G.I. JOE, MARVEL and STAR WARS!

For much more information on the promotion, beginning December 25, 2010, visit Hasbro.com/supercharge.

Ho Ho Ho!

Save your receipts dated from 12/25 to 1/31, as the Hasbro site will have a .pdf form for you to fill out to get your free toys. The form will have all of the fine print with the details, but here's the list of free toys:

hasbro after the holidays 2010

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