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Knockoff Pillow Pets Seized

Thousands of Knockoff Pillow Pets™ Brand Products Seized in New York

Retailers and consumers urged to check for authenticity of popular holiday toy

OCEANSIDE, Calif., Dec. 17, 2010 -- CJ Products, LLC, the manufacturer of Pillow Pets™ brand products, today announced that law enforcement officials impounded approximately 18,000 counterfeit Pillow Pets™ plush foldable stuffed animals from a Queens, New York, warehouse earlier this week. This marks the largest seizure of fraudulent Pillow Pets™ brand products to date.

Pillow Pets™ brand products are among the most popular gift items for children this holiday season, landing on the Toys"R"Us "hot holiday toy" list. Pillow Pets™ plush foldable stuffed animals are manufactured and distributed by CJ Products, LLC, and Ontel Products Corporation and are available for sale nationwide at retailers such as Walmart, Target, Walgreens, Kohl's, Toys"R"Us, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Rite Aid, Kmart, Sears, JC Penney, Kroger, Hallmark, mall kiosks and specialty stores. Unauthorized "knockoffs" of these trademarked products have been offered for sale by unscrupulous vendors online, at mall kiosks, in small retail stores and at flea markets. CJ Products and Ontel are making a concerted effort to stop the sale of unauthorized and often inferior quality goods through the filing of lawsuits against counterfeiters and by working with law enforcement to confiscate products that are not authentic.

Jennifer Telfer, CJ Products' CEO, said, "Pillow Pets™ plush foldable stuffed animals are a great toy for children and are compliant with children's safety laws. Knockoff and counterfeit products may not have undergone the required testing procedures and may not be safe for children. Parents should make sure that they purchase authentic Pillow Pets™ brand products made by CJ Products and Ontel."

Authentic My Pillow Pets® and Pillow Pets™ labels are found on the rear right foot and the hang tag of each Pillow Pet™ plush foldable stuffed animal. If consumers purchase online, they should be sure the website clearly states it is selling the authentic product. (RTM note: You can see pictures on their fraud page.)

"We are aggressively pursuing sellers of knockoff products. This week's events send a clear message that fraudulent behavior will not be tolerated and those who engage in it will be held accountable for their actions," said Ontel President Chuck Khubani.

Made of ultra-soft chenille, Pillow Pets™ plush foldable stuffed animals are much more than a stuffed animal. With a strap that closes underneath to transform the pillow into a friendly pet, they are an ideal travel pal, naptime buddy and all-around cuddly friend. Pillow Pets™ plush foldable stuffed animals are available in jungle animals, farm critters and sea creatures � 36 different animals to choose from - and are just one part of the Pillow Pets™ family of products, which also includes books, blankets, slippers, and backpacks.

About Pillow Pets

Since 2003, My Pillow Pets® brand products have been bringing smiles to the faces of all ages. The concept for the snuggly companions was the brainchild of a San Diego-based mother of two, who had grown tired of picking up stuffed animals strewn across her children's rooms. What began with the simple goal of transforming a stuffed animal into a functional item for children has grown into an amazing jungle of popular retail and wholesale products including plush foldable stuffed animals, books, backpacks, blankets, and slippers. For more information, please visit www.LoveMyPillowPets.com.

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