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December 2010 Hasbro GI Joe Q&A

December 2010 - Every other month, Hasbro will answer a few questions about their GI Joe products. Below are the questions and answers for this month.

1) Are Marvel Universe molds available to be used for GI Joe? It's been noted that the IM2 Nick Fury uses a 25th body, and the heads for MU are generally interchangeable with Joes. The mohawk Storm from the Secret Wars two pack, for example, fits easily onto GI Joe female neck pegs, so it wouldn't need to be retooled, just molded in a different color with different paint apps to create a new female Dreadnok.

Answer: While that makes sense in theory, in practice, it's not that easy. The short answer is no, they are not available. Unfortunately due to both legal and logistical challenges, the reality of this kind of cross-usage is not practical. However, some G.I. Joe tooling was in fact used by the Marvel team to create Nick Fury. Since our tooling library on Modern Era has been carefully tuned over the years to allow for interchangable heads and somewhat modular parts, you may see some overlap with other brands with this modularity. These modular similarities are convenient for our customizers but are in no way intentional.

2) Probably my favorite Hasbro GI Joe release every year are the internet exclusive 7 packs, with the excellent Resolute 7 packs being the best so far. Will there be a new pair of internet exclusive 7 packs for 2011? If so, any hints?

Answer: There will be a new pair of 7-packs coming out in 2011. I'd love to hint but don't want to give away the surprise. Suffice it to say, it links in to some other items that we have done and will be doing in such a way that collectors will be be able to complete a "collection."

3) What inspired the cross-promotions between the official GI Joe Collectors Club and the official Transformers Collectors Club? Does this improve our chances of getting GI Joe Transformers crossover toys?

Answer: The G.I. Joe Collectors Club and Transformers Collectors Club are both run by the same company, so that sometimes results in some cross-promotions. At this time, there are no plans for G.I. Joe Transformers crossovers.

Be sure to check out the previous Q&As as well.

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