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Week Nine: Toy2R's 15 Weeks to Celebrate 15 Years Contest

Qee and toy2r

Week Nine Begins - The Qee to Being in the Pink!

November 2010 - Are you in the Pink? You are if you're entering Toy2R's 15 Weeks to Celebrate 15 Years Contest - now starting its 9th Week!

If you haven't entered - what are you waiting for? It's the easiest way to win loads of Toy2R products for FREE! And how easy is it? Just log on to the Toy2R USA Facebook Page and post a comment about why you like Toy2R. Better yet, show off your talents and post pictures of your Toy2R collection, customized Qees or dioramas featuring Toy2R figures. People from all over the world have won and YOU could be next.

With the holidays quickly approaching - what better way to prepare than to win FREE TOYS!!! Join the Qeevolution today and be in the PINK!

Here's whats up for grabs for WEEK NINE:

Qee and toy2r

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