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Round 3 Voting for FANtastic Exclusive 4

fantastic exclusive raven

Round 3 voting for FANtastic Exclusive 4 begins!

Round 3 voting is up and rolling at FANtastic Exclusive (http://www.FANtasticExclusive.com)!

Now that the Raven has been crowned the FANtastic Exclusive champion for this year, it's time for action figure fans to clock in and tell the Four Horsemen what kind of articulation the Raven should have. The Four Horsemen have listened to fan concerns about hyper-articulation vs. a solid, stable figure so now they're asking you to tell them exactly how things should be done.

This articulation voting round will be slightly different than past FANtastic Exclusive voting rounds. Not only do action figure fans have multiple choices for different types and styles of articulation, but a special "comments" box has also been included to truly allow FANatics to voice their opinions on the subject.

Depending on the number of votes that come in, this voting round will probably only last about a week so the Four Horsemen can move quickly into other rounds of voting. So be sure to get in there and make your voice heard as soon as possible. Contrary to popular belief that the The Four Horsemen are clairvoyant, they can't know what you want unless you tell them.

FANtastic Exclusive. Spring Break's over. Time to dust off your time card and get back to work on helping to create the action figure YOU want to see!

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