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Store Horsemen Christmas In Springtime Sale

Store Horsemen Christmas In Springtime Sale


March 27, 2009 - For a limited time only, you can pick up both the red mutant Ssejjhhorr, and the green mutant Grruxx action figures as a set of two for only $25.00!!

And if you order them soon, shipping is free within the continental U.S., no matter how many sets you order!!

Now's your chance to get in there and start your own mutant army to take on Ramathorr, Xetheus and the soon to be released Queen Alluxandra!

Just go to http://www.StoreHorsemen.com right now!

Both Mutants are highly articulated and include dual battle axes! These are the unsigned versions.

GRRUXX (green): Most of these figures were part of the first round of figures that were produced by our old factory. This means that some of the figures' joints may be loose and/or brittle and the packaging may be pretty beat up, but they may also be perfectly fine. Grruxx is a great figure for customizers or do-it-yourselfers! We can't guarantee the quality of the joints, or packaging of any of the Grruxx figures, but at only $12.50 (when purchased as part of this 2 figure set), we can guarantee that you'll get them at a great cost and NO SHIPPING CHARGES WITHIN THE CONTINENTAL U.S. For a limited time only!

SSEJJHHORR (red): These figures were returned to us by the vendor as "unsellable" because of damaged packaging. The figures came from the second production run of the Anitherian Nine, so the figures themselves should be fine. Ssejjhhorr is a great figure for customizers or package openers! Sure the packaging might look like crap, but at only $12.50 (when purchased as part of this 2 figure set), you'll get them at a great cost and NO SHIPPING CHARGES WITHIN THE CONTINENTAL U.S. For a limited time only!

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