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Gentle Giant Collection of the Month

March 2009 - This tidbit came today from Gentle Giant:

We are very happy to announce in collaboration with GentleGiantCollectors.com, The Gentle Giant Collection of the Month is Back Officially at GentleGiantCollectors.com!

This is in ADDITION to the Gentle Giant PGM Collection of the Year and Other Giveaways that are being held at GentleGiantLtd.com for PGM Members.

Entering is very simple. All you need to do is post your collection at GGC. Look for the pinned topic at the top of this section if you need us to host your images and we will be happy to do so. Free forum registration will be required to post.

At the end of the month we will lock up that section and Gentle Giant Ltd will pick the Collection of The Month and award a prize to the winner.

Gentle Giant Ltd will try to fill a void in the winning collection by sending the winner an item they don't have (if possible). Or another new or archived Gentle Giant LTD product for Free to the winner!

Every month, a new collection will be chosen. You will be able to enter each and every month, but only one win ONCE per 12 month cycle.

Please note this is a Gentle Giant Collection of Month, so while images will be accepted of mixed collection rooms, please only include images that are predominately Gentle Giant Ltd items (Mini Busts, Statues, Bust Ups, Maquettes, Figures, etc).

There is no specific criteria for the Gentle Giant Collection of the Month. All Collections, big and small, are welcome. Gentle Giant LTD will be mixing up how they pick the collection from month to month to make sure all collectors have a chance at winning.

So dust off your Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Corpse Bride, Matrix, Terminator and many other great Gentle Giant Collectibles and post your pictures!

There is a limit of four (4) pictures per collection, per month.

More Info: http://www.gentlegiantcollectors.com/collectionofthemonth.html

Good Luck and Happy Collecting!

Gentle Giant LTD Team

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