Fox Goes 'Ape' with Merchandising
HOLLYWOOD - (Variety)Twentieth Century Fox hopes its big summer picture "Planet of the Apes" will generate a lot of monkey business in the merchandising world.
Together with toy manufacturer Hasbro and specialty marketer Applause, the studio has unveiled a major marketing push for the Tim Burton epic. The program, which will be launched at New York's Intl. Toy Fair (Feb. 11-15), is expected to generate revenues for the studio along the lines of those for other Fox event titles such as "Independence Day" or "X-Men". Hasbro will unveil a line of action figures and collectible toys at the Toy Fair, and will ship them to retailers just before the film's July release. Dark Horse Comics will publish "Planet" comic books and graphic novels, while Buster Brown will produce footwear. In addition to traditional products such as lunch boxes, posters, knit caps, trading cards, T-shirts and backpacks, the "Planet" line will also include dioramas, inflatable furniture, scooters and scooter heads, underwear, clocks and shower caps. The picture, which began shooting Nov. 6, is expected to wrap in April. Mark Wahlberg, Helena Bonham Carter and Michael Clarke Duncan star.