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Four Horsemen at Wizard World Philly

May 30, 2008 - The Four Horsemen will be attending the Wizard World Philly convention this weekend, and not only will they have their own booth (#1006), but they'll also be hosting a few panels and receiving a Toyfare Hall of Fame award!

The 1st annual Toyfare Hall of Fame awards will be in room #201C on Friday from 5-6pm.

On Saturday, they'll be doing a "What's up with the Four Horsemen?" panel from 2-3pm in theater #201C. The Horsemen will discuss a little bit about some of the properties they've worked on, as well as what they've got in store for the near future. Be sure to be there or you'll miss some very confidential information as well as the debut of some DCU Classics 2-ups!!

Later that day, the Horsemen will be joining in on a "Big Toy Industry Panel" from 5-6pm in room #201C.

Last, they'll be hosting a "How to Create an Action Figure" panel on Sunday from 3-4pm in room #202A. Be sure to bring pencils and paper to take lots of notes!

At the Four Horsemens' booth (#1006), they'll be selling not only the "Ramathorr the Elephant Swordsman" figure, but also the pink pachyderm, "The Chalice of Guudenuph"!! The Chalice is limited to only 120 pieces at Wizard World Philly, and he and Ramathorr will sell for $25.00 each.

Both Ramathorr and The Chalice will be available in very limited numbers on the Four Horsemens' online store, StoreHorsemen.com beginning Tuesday or Wednesday, but you can get them now to avoid the crunch!

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