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Clearance Sale at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store

February 8, 2008 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:


We've slashed prices on 200 more overstocked and older items and we've also left the previous 200 item sale running, so there are now 400 items with discounts averaging 50% to 75% off or more. The new batch features a wide variety of items including Sports Picks, Star Wars, Cars, Spider-Man, Transformers, Imports, Titanium, Gentle Giant and much more. Just take a look at the home page for 4 new lists of 50 clearance items each.


A wide variety of fairly high-end items that were returned to us as damaged or defective are now up on ebay in one huge lot. The original retail value of these items was about $15,000 - bidding is currently just over $2200. This is a great lot for kit-bashers, resellers, or anyone interested in fixing up two pallets worth defective items. The auction ends Sunday evening - here is a link.


STAR WARS EVOLUTIONS WAVE 2: All 4 of the brand new Evolutions packs should be here in roughly 10 days. Sets of 4 are still available at $89.99 and we have single packs up for preorder as well

STAR WARS ELITE FORCES OF THE REPUBLIC: These are roughly 1 week out, once they sell out it will be months before we can get more. Reserve yours now at $69.99 per set.

STAR WARS VEHICLES: The new Grievous Starfighter and AT-AP have just shipped and will be arriving in under a week - preorders are open now for these awesome new items


GI JOE - SERIES 4, 5, & 6: We've just received shipments of all three of the most recent waves of single carded figures. We have cases of all available for $47.99 to $49.99. Single figures and sets are available for some waves as well. This link brings you to the Wave 6 case - just hit the 'single figures' link on the menu bar to see the rest

G1 MASTERPIECE STARSCREAM - IMPORT VERSION: Just in from Japan is the international release of the G1 Masterpiece Starscream. We could not find any real differences between the US and international versions upon a quick inspection, but this version does come with a fancy new sticker on the front of the box - in stock now for $94.99

EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE COLLECTION STORM STATUE: This statue is sold only to dealers who attend the Diamond Retailer Summit, and it is limited to only 600 piece. We have them in stock now at $30 under MSRP at $119.99. This will be one of the final Marvel statues released by Diamond, so be sure not to miss it

TRANSFORMER MOVIE - IMPORT EXCLUSIVES: We've just received hard to find battle damaged versions of Voyager Prime as well as Deluxe Arcee. Prime is in stock at $49.99 and Arcee is $27.99. The MD-22 Black Incinerator has also just arrived - available now for $49.99.

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA - SERIES 1 SET OF 6: We've received both the Helo Exclusive and our Anders exclusive and can now complete the super-sets of 6 figures. In stock now at $74.99

BBTS VINTAGE DEPARTMENT: Look for increased vintage department listings starting soon, our new department members have been trained in and will start listing next week. There are a lot of new items listed this week including GI Joe, MOTU, Transformers, and a variety of misc items

STAR WARS - CHEWBACCA MYNOCK HUNT EXCLUSIVE BUST: This Previews Exclusive is limited to only 2500 pieces - it features Chewy wearing a respirator mask and wielding his crossboy - available now at $52.99

STAR TREK - RETRO CLOTH SERIES 3: Get the very cool Mego style McCoy and Romulan for just $29.99 per pair. They just arrived today - fresh off the truck

TRANSFORMERS - CLASSICS DEVASTATOR: Back in stock at $59.99, this awesome giftset includes 5 different figures with the original green & purple paint colors.

TRANSFORMERS MOVIE DELUXE: The latest case wave has just arrrived and we now have available inventory for: Stockade, Cliffjumper, Camshaft, Landmine, Overcast, Jungle Crusher and many other somewhat older figures

SUPERHERO SQUAD 4-PACKS: The Showdown with Magneto and Battle for New York sets are now in stock for $11.99 each - take a look here

TRANSFORMERS ENCORE OPTIMUS PRIME: This figure sold out almost immediately several months back, but we luckily were able to get more. Get your G1 reissue Prime now at $74.99

REVOLTECH - TETSUJIN 28 & PATLABOR MOVIE: The two latest figures in the series have just arrived - each is priced at $19.99

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA - BATTLE DAMAGED STATUE: This exclusive statue is now in stock at $149.99 - it is even more limited than the regular version and measures in at 15" long.

YAMATO MACROSS: The brand new SV-51 Ivanov has just landed and we've also restocked a variety of other valks including YF-19 and VF-0A. Take a look at the full selection

MCFARLANE'S MILITARY - 3" FIGURES: The new half-sized and 1/3 priced Military figures are now in stock at $4.49 each - there are 6 different versions to choose from


-- DC ARMORY - SET OF 4 - $49.99

-- SUPERMAN / BATMAN 5 - VENGEANCE 2 - SET OF 4 - $49.99


-- 13" DELUXE ROBIN - $59.99

TANDEM TWIN - DOG ALMA: This figure comes with a full selection of collars, leashes, leather, spikes and more spread all over her body - a cool looking new figure in stock for $64.99

EVANGELION - CREATOR'S LABO #15: An awesome new rendition of Rei from Evangelion has just arrived. This figure is about 10" tall and in stock for $66.99


JAPANESE TF CLASSICS: Takara has just unveiled the D-03 Gray Astrotrain, the second classic figure with a substantially updated paint scheme (along with Megatron) is now up for preorder here - take a look!

CTHULHU - 14" SOTA TOYS STATUE: Sota has done an awesome job with its new mixed media statue. You'll have to see the picture to truly appreciate it - a great item for Lovecraft fans, or for monster fans in general. We have it listed $50 below MSRP at $199.99

REVOLTECH FRAULEIN #004: Whats better than Revoltech? A crossover Shunya Yamashita Revoltech figure - the new Pocco figure is not only busty, but extremely articulated

REAL ACTION HEROES - ROLLING STONES: Keith Richards joins Mick Jagger as the latest announcements from Medicom - each is up for preorder at $139.99

SIDESHOW PREDATOR DIORAMA: Another cool looking Predator item from Sideshow, this diorama features the Predator perched in a craggy old tree - preorder price it $144.99

SIDESHOW 1:1 PALPATINE BUST: Another huge bust is up for preorder, this one listed at $479.99.

Toy Fair is almost upon us, be sure to check back frequently - we'll be listing all the new items as manufacturers send information to us.

Please take advantage of the deep savings on all our clearance menu and have a great weekend.



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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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