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Action Figure & Toy Trivia #34

Question 1: The Star Trek series made by Playmates Toys featured a Commander Sisko action figure known as "mail-way Sisko." What did you have to buy to get the order form to mail off for this Sisko?

  • breakfast cereal
  • other action figures
  • potato chips
  • a video game

Question 2: Which series of Spawn action figures included the accidental variant of the Angela action figure, known as "Party" Angela?

  • Series 2
  • Series 6
  • Manga Spawn (9)
  • Spawn Classic (17)

Question 3: In recent years, new coins were released with Star Wars action figures. In addition to the back of the coins being different, how do these "Millennium Coins" differ from the vintage Star Wars coins?

  • different color
  • made of plastic
  • they are larger
  • they are smaller

Question 4: According to rumor, how many U.S. Agent action figures on Iron Man cardbacks were released from the factory? (U.S. Agent was supposed to be released in the Iron Man series, but those plans were scrapped. Some did make it out of the factory on Iron Man cards... how many?)

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 500

Question 5: In the 1980s, Galoob made a series of action figures called "Golden Girls," in which most of the figures made were female. Which of the following Golden Girls action figures was actually a male character?

  • Jade
  • Ogra
  • Onyx
  • Wild One

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