
has been made into plastic more
times that any other Marvel hero.
This archive spotlights the
latest incarnations of Spider-Man toys.
Thanks to the folks at ToyBiz, collectors
have a huge
representation of the Spider-Man
universe available -with more to come!.
series began in 1990 with the Marvel Super Heroes line.
An animated series made its debut on Saturday
Morning TV in the US on November of 1994, and a new line of toys focused on
Spider-Man began. Since then, almost
every major Spider-Man character, friend and
foe, have been made.
Still, for
the die-hard Spidey fans, there are some characters that remain on their
wish lists. Click HERE to see a list
of :
"Spider-Man Action Figures
Never Made"
Though there have much been fewer new Spider-Man action figures
over the past few years compared to the 90's, the future still looks bright for Spider-Man.
With the Spider-Man movie coming in May 2002, more toys are on their way (can you say Tobey
Maguire, the action figure?!) ToyBiz has already relased two waves of the 6-inch Classics line
of super-articulated-super-sculpted Spidey figures. Though the next assortments of these Classic figures
will focus on non-Spidey / non-X-Men Marvel Universe, there are sure to be plenty of terrific
Spider-Man figures coming soon to coincide with the movie.
-Mike Fichera, RTM Sept 2001
