Longest Dryspell at Retail in a Looong Time...

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Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

I haven't been looking for a whole lot, but I am not seeing much of anything new anyway.

Been waiting on:

-WWE Bellas 2 pack (for my daughters)
-WWE Elite 14 & 15 (for me)
-Star Wars Vintage Wave with Luke Hoth and Vader
-Star Wars Lightsaber Construction Deleted Scenes Luke (just want one more)

I've seen nothing new in quite some time..just the usual peg warmers from each line.

This is NJ and PA.

I'm happy that the next round of Joe 3 3/4" awesomeness is at Dollar Stores as they are easier to locate than hitting multiple Targets and TRUs.


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Jon's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I haven't seen anything new that interests me here in Kentucky in quite some time (I haven't bought any toys at retail since the end of February, when I picked up VC87 Luke and VC89 Lando at Wal-Mart - that was the only time I've seen either of those figures on pegs). :/

Max's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Yeah, this dry spell is killing me. I've had to fall back on reviewing Halo figures and Vinylmation for about 2/3 of my blog entries for the past month!

Remember when Marvel Universe used to have new figures come out? Man, those were the days... Sad(

Joined: 2012-01-04

The last thing I bought new was Ultimate Hawkeye when he first dropped. I'm kind of grateful for the lull so that I can catch up on some things I missed and hopefully at markdown prices like the $9 Guardians of the Galaxy set I found a couple weeks ago.

I also found the CSA 5 pack this weekend but still couldn't pull the trigger at $50. I guess that explains why they still have several on the shelf.



Avian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Where did you find the Guardians of the Galaxy for $9,k what store?


The Lemming (not verified)

Get used to it. This is how most stores will be stocking from now on. Bare bones on toys. With prices so high for figures, they will be peg warming more than ever, and that means very little restock of figures in any store. That will mean lower orders from store to Mattel/Hasbro/Etc. That means less product overall, for always.

The only time we'll see newer stuff is online, in limited quantities, and during xmas.

Welcome to the future. Steve

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

Somewhere Joel from bbts is cackling maniacally..


Joined: 2012-01-04

Avian wrote:
Where did you find the Guardians of the Galaxy for $9,k what store?


This was the last of it's kind in the clearance aisle in Walmart in Bartlesville OK. I've seen plenty since then at full price. Too bad because there's no way I'd pay more than $9 for the Fantastic Four set. But the Guardians is a good set probably even at retail.



GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

this dry spell is KILLING me. especially knowing that the ml2 variants and wwe elite 14 are out there... somewhere.

-Paul's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Amen, brother. Waiting on the newest Marvel Universe singles wave is killing me. I can't even verify who is coming out or when. BBTS still has no information on cases or anything.

Wal-Marts in Atlanta are SWAMPED with 3.75" Avengers stuff. I really hope that movie does well and a miracle happens: people actually buy some of the darn figures!

Oh, well. Back to waiting. Smile

Emerje's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Yeah, I've been wanting to start collecting Transformers BotShots, but after the initial release (which filled the pegs) they've sold out pretty fast and haven't been restocked anywhere. Guess the low price ($4 each, $9 for 3-packs) and game features makes them too enticing to kids and parents.



MyFigureCollection.net - Most of my Japanese figures

Associate Editor for Tomopop.com

Joined: 2012-02-07

After seeing nothing but racks and racks of Prime Bumblebees, I finally found the newish leader-class (or whatever they call them now) toys: Starscream and Bulkhead. Picked up Bulkhead, though the weapon, with it's lame gimmick that you can try through a hole in the packaging, was pretty loose... I can see these getting stolen or lost before someone buys them. This is the first I've ever seen them.

This Target has a ton of space dedicated to Marvel U, but they have the same five figures spread out, one or two deep per peg, across the display. DCU has a few pegs, but only three figures, two of which were magog and which have been sitting for months. Some Young Justice, but nothing new. No Thundercats at all. Tons of Avengers but all wave 1. So in a weird way, there's probably more shelf space in the toy aisle dedicated to superheroes than ever (and I didn't even count little people, Imaginext, Super Hero Squad and DC and Avengers Lego), but very little product. If not for all the expensive Japanese toys I've been getting, I'd be saving a ton of money... Smile

TRDouble's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

It's been pitiful in Western New York. I don't mind ordering online, but when you have something like Marvel Legends Series 2, where some online retailers tell you that you may end up with a Piledriver or a Thunderball, that makes ordering online less than an idea alternative.

It's a bit frustrating, but on the other hand, it's making me realize that I don't really 'need' these toys.

Joined: 2012-02-07

Yeah, I tend to agree. I skipped out on Marvel Legends due to the relative scarcity, but if they were even a little more readily available I probably would have bit. After missing a few waves, that seems unlikely. And after having missed out on so many Marvel Universe toys that I just never saw at retail, I've been cutting down on that line too.

If only I could quit Transformers... DOTM almost did that, and then the whole Prime FE fiasco, but they keep making some killer products...

Joined: 2012-01-04

Anyone else now have the full line of Redakai figures? The dryspell has been so bad that I had started surfing the clearance endcaps for something to fill the void. At 70%, some of the figures are really nicely done and some are a waste. Warnet, Magnox, and Froztok are the best of the bunch but I'd trade them all for New SW Vintage, MU, Marvel Legends....

Most of the local Walmarts have the Thor Movie and Cap Movie Figures mixed in with the Avengers and it doesn't matter how times I fix them or tell employess, they just keep mixing them together. I will be shocked to see Avengers Series 3 in stores or any SW Vintage Waves past the terribly over-produced Phantom Menace figures.

GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

what's this about gi joe hitting dollar stores?

Joined: 2012-01-03

New figures of the following vintage versions:

Snake Eyes version 4 (Red visor, blue pants)
Cobra Commander version 6 (hooded, black outfit, silver trim)
Storm Shadow version 3 (Ninja Force)
T'Gin-zu (Ninja Force / Storm Shadow Repaint/ Ninja Raider Pile Driver operator)

and new versions of:

Duke as a greenshirt (looks like a blond version of Grunt)
Cobra Trooper (black outfit, silver Cobra insignia)

Not sure which dollar stores have them though.


Mr. Tibbs