Hey, the new Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales, will be getting a 6" Marvel-Legends-compatible figure (probably in the Spider-Man comics line).
Ultimate Spidey from Marvelous News
There will also be a 3-3/4" version as a running variant, for fans of the smaller scale.
Wasn't there a potential movie costume deigned by Alex Ross a few years ago that looks a lot like this? Oh, hey, thanks Google!
It's a nifty design. I haven't been reading the comics, so I can't comment on the character, but it's a cool variant.
That 6" figure should have a variant figure which includes a neck! Ugggh Lee.
The 4" looks good though.
I really enjoy the new ultimate Spider-Man series. However both these figures quite disapoint me. Neither one looks like the body of a young teenager. Miles is only about 13 years old but the figures proportions look just like adult Peter Parker Spider-Man.
My first thoughts exactly. And it's not like Miles is portrayed as a larger 13 year old, he's short and scrawny.
And yes the book is amazing. If for nothing else than all the ridiculous uproar over killing Peter Parker, which was one of the best comic stories I've read in a long time. The way Peter went out was so incredibe I was 100% on board with killing him and bringing in a new Spider-Man if his story was going to be written as well as Peter's, which so far has been.
Are we getting a 6 inch Spider-man line? I must have missed that announcement if they made it.
Yeah, ugly as hell. They need to stop using McGuiness...he's the enemy of necks and proportionate limbs.
Honest question: What does McGuiness have to do with these?
It's apparently a WalMart exclusive Spider-man 6-inch line. Hope it shows up in Canada- I've only ever seen the Iron-man line, and the new ML's are only at comic shops around here.
He's been drawing some of the concept artwork that goes into various elements of the figures. You'll notice some of the figures share attributes of his artwork. The head of Steve Rogers and Drax really stand out as being based off his work.