Predators Series 8...No cigar...

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Joined: 2012-01-04

So like a lot of people, I have been doing regular runs to TRU looking for Predators Series 8 featuring the first release of Dutch / Arnold from the 1st Predator Film. Some people were able to find this series at FYE, but after the large FYE closest to me closed 2+ years ago, I was left with pre-ordering online. Well that also was no help since my main e-tailer has yet to get these in stock. But back to TRU…

A lot of people on various boards are claiming that the reason we have not seen this series in TRU yet is because the Jungle Extraction Dutch features the figure smoking as well as him smoking a cigar on the packaging. This actually would make sense because TRU does not want to promote smoking to kids even though this is considered an adult collectable. Regardless, after reading these posts about the Cigar Issue, I decided to order a set through Amazon for only $45 shipped for the pair of Dutches. People feel that TRU will skip right to Series 9 featuring 2 different Dutches sans the cigar, I tend to agree.

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Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

While it DOES make sense with the cigar, I dont think that really is the case. Randy said some states were just late in getting their shipments. I dont think TRU cares about what figures come with what. TRU carried the Hellboy 2 figures and the HB I bought had a cigar in his mouth. Another one came with beer. Granted that was several years ago but also recently the Gremlins line had George with a cigar and the Flasher came with a cigarette I picked him up at TRU . Whats really funny is the Evil Dead 2 line DID have Henrietta which had um exposed breasts and I never heard anyone report them being pulled from the shelves.

Bottom line is this just keep checking, I havent found them yet either and do check every week. I havent resorted to online yet but if I dont find them before Hicks and Hudson come out then I will start to panic!


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

dunno if this is still relevant, but i found both dutch's over the weekend at tru. whoever was supposed to come with the cigar came with the cigar. it wasn't changed or whatever the thought might have been.

Lee (not verified)

Seconded: I found the figure at a local TRU in the Nashville, Tennessee area within the past few days. I'd already read the first post and was looking specifically for the cigar, which I did find. In fact, that was the only figure left.

Joined: 2012-01-04

Thank you for the post. I also found them today in a local TRU. Usually with NECA, 2 shipments hit TRUs and then it's on to the next wave, so I was happy to pick up a set and an extra non cigar version to swap heads. Bring on Wave 9!