Has Anyone Had To Change Their CC Info With Matty Lately?

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Swift's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Hey all, just wondering if people are still having trouble with this. I've heard the best way to update CC info with them is to call, but now that they have a manage feature, I was wondering if any of you have risked doing it through the website.

Thanks for any help in advance!


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Joined: 2012-01-14

I did between series 1 and 2 of the DC subscription. I called. Had no problems.

Anonymous (not verified)

I just had to do it last week because me CC bounced (whoops!) and for the first time was able to do it online instead of calling and it appears to have worked perfectly as my figure is on the way!


Anonymous-fujishig (not verified)

I think you still have to call in. The change payment page has this note:

NOTE: Changes to your address or payment information will not apply to your subscription orders. To edit your subscription order information please call 1-877-GO-MATTY. Be sure to clearly tell the agent you're changing your subscription information.

Swift's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Thanks everyone. I WAS able to update the card on the web page, HOWEVER, I had to call to confirm that my new card was the "default" payment info. So if any of you need to update payment info, I would recommend changing it on the site AND calling.

Anonymous (not verified)

All went smooth for me, the figure showed up yesterday. Amazing, smooth and digital river in the same sentence!