Sweet Minimate Deal on Amazon

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Joined: 2012-01-04

While looking for some Minimate Max Police Sets to make some custom Riot Gear Zombies to go along with my Walking Dead Zombie Mates, I found the Minimate Max Box Set on Amazon for $5.98 with free ship on orders over $25. The set also comes with the Spec Ops Soldier, 2 different Firemen, and and a ton of gear.

On the Walking Dead MM front, only 1 store in my area out of 5 carries the WDMM, not a Shane or Glen to be found. TRU.com keeps listing them incorrectly...how hard is it to read the front of the package...

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Nebraska's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Don't get me started on the TRU Exclusives. As of this morning, I've had 2 orders cancelled within a week.