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playmates 7.8 K stlogo 2.51 K

Playmates will be focusing a good majority of their resources on the 12" Collector Figures this year. Following in the footsteps of the the highly-regarded 12" Star Trek: Insurrection line, expect this on-going series of figures to feature the same dead-on likenesses, detailed outfits, and accurate accessories.

In the first year out for this line, looks for Playmates to almost finish off the crew of Star Trek: The Next Generation, cover the seven key crew members from The Original Series, and give us classic aliens such as the Andorian, Gorn and Mugato that were pulled from last years line-up, along with other popular characters like Captain Janeway, Seven of Nine and Locutus.

Wave 1 Andorian Ambassador Shras & Mr. Spock

Wave 1 Geordi from "Insurrection" & Captain Janeway

Wave 2 Ensign Chekov & Dr. McCoy

Wave 2 Mugato & Seven of Nine

Wave 3 Gorn & Scotty

Wave 3 Sulu & Troi

Wave 4 Q

12" packaging

Wave 1
Andorian Ambassador Shras
Lt. Cmdr. Geordi LaForge from Star Trek: Insurrection
Captain Kathryn Janeway
Mr. Spock

Wave 2
Ensign Pavel Chekov
Dr. Leonard McCoy
Seven of Nine in silver outfit

Wave 3
Gorn Captain
Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott
Lt. Hikaru Sulu
Counselor Deanna Troi in lavender outfit

Wave 4
Khan Noonien Singh from "Space Seed"
Q from "Deja Q"
Lt. Uhuru

Star Trek Fan Club Exclusives
Captain James T. Kirk as a Romulan from "The Enterprise Incident"
Captain Christopher Pike
Captain Benjamin Sisko

Also see the 12-inch Starfleet Profiles Electronic Display Assortment.

[9-inch Millenium Collector`s Sets] [9-inch Alien Combat Series]

[12-inch Collector Figures] [12-inch Starfleet Profiles Electronic]

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