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Green Lantern vs. Dr. Polaris

glpolarisfront.jpg - 20835 Bytes Green Lantern vs. Dr. Polaris

Can even the power of Green Lantern's ring stand up to the deadly energy blasts of Dr. Polaris? That's what Kyle Rayner, last of the Green Lanterns, will learn as he battles the villain who nearly bested Hal Jordan, his predecessor as Green Lantern of Earth. Of course, Kyle may be the most powerful Green Lantern of all - his ring, unlike Jordan's, has no 24-hour time limit on its power, no is it ineffective against anything colored yellow.

Kyle will need all the power he can muster against Doctor Polaris, whose electromagnetic powers were recently boosted by the mysterious entity known as Neron. These owers, which are now part of Polaris' body instead of being generated by weapons, provide the evildoer with force-field protection and well as staggering strength.

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Green Lantern Doctor Polaris
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Green Lantern vs. Dr. Polaris | Superman vs. Metallo | Supergirl

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