Rough News for Minimate Collectors....

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Joined: 2012-01-04

So after reading that TRU Marvel Wave 16 was hitting Canada, I found the UPC code and checked my local TRU. Well unfortuantley Wave 16 shares the same Item # as Wave 14 and 15, which are currently choking the pegs at all 4 local TRUs around me. My only hope is going to be unless I do a big transfer. One local has 71 2 packs from Wave 14 alone...

Toyark has the details on The Walking Dead Wave 4 which for the first time I believe includes 8 different 2 packs between TRU and LCS. When it comes to minimates, usually I feel the more the merrier, but August is going to bring us Marvel Wave 50, Marvel Wave 51, Tomb Raider, Wolverine and the possibly the Walking Dead Wave 4 so things are going to get a little nutty.

Here's hoping everything else I am looking forward to has some shelf life when they finally show up... Kick A 2, Aliens Wave 2, Star Wars Black, Marvel Universe, Marvel Legends....