Marvel Super Heroes Figure

In early 1990, a small upstart toy company named Toy Biz was embarking on a path that would lead them to greatness throughout the decade, namely producing action figures based on Marvel Comics characters.

This one appeared in the second series. While they were still feeling their way through sculting and manufacturing issues, ytou have to admire the rapid improvement in their toys.

The only version so far of this Bob Layton designed armor from the mid 1980s, this was also the first figure to explore the concept of snap-on armor. For that matter, it was also the first Tony Stark figure, too. Although the sculpt is nothing to write home about, and the pieces looked pretty bad because of the huge snaps on each one, it still holds a soft spot in my heart. Extra points for cool package art.


All images, format, content, and design are copyright © 1994-2001 Raving Toy Maniac, Eric G. Myers, and Jason Geyer. No part of these pages may be reproduced without express written consent of the Raving Toy Maniac. Licensed character names and images are copyright © their respective companies.