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JAKKS Offers Exclusive Figures For Attitude Points

jakks_wwf_promotion.jpg - 22788 BytesJAKKS Pacific has launched a new promotion for its popular World Wrestling Federation action figure series, which offers fans a chance to redeem points for action figures exclusive to this promotion.

The first two figures being offered are Lita and Kurt Angle. This is the first action figure ever for the popular Lita, and a new version of Your Olympic Hero, Kurt Angle.

JAKKS various WWF products will carry Attitude Points which can be redeemed for the exclusive figures, when sent in along with the UPC code and $3 per figure. 25 Attitude Points are required to get your hands on Lita, while Angle takes 15.

Be sure to check out JAKKS website dedicated to its WWF product at www.jakkswwf.com for more information.

[Posted 11/20/2000]

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