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Lord of the Rings Votive Candle Holders

The Lord of the Rings Votive Candle Holders shown below are made by NECA, and are available through the New Line Cinema Studio Store.

8 1/2 Inch Tall Lord of the Rings: Balrog Candle Holder 8 1/2 Inch Tall Lord of the Rings: Balrog Candle Holder

This incredible large illuminating candle holder is an amazing piece that captures the essence of the powerful Balrog that lurks in the Mines of Moria. Just place a candle 1.5 inches or smaller in diameter into the holder behind the beast, light it, and the Balrog glows! The candle holder is resin and measures a full 8.5 inches (H) by 8.5 inches (W) by 7.5 inches (D).

Lord of the Rings Links

Need candles to go in the holders? Try CandleMart.com

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