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Pictures of RTM's visit to ToyFare Magazine


Entering Wizard Entertainment (home of ToyFare), you will find the world's coolest lobby!

Dormitory rec-room or gateway to a major world-renowned magazine?! These guys know how to have fun while getting the job done. They also know how to beat me at foosball.p>


The ToyFare office

When Editors Clash: Tom Palmer and Matt Senreich fight over whether or not Jar Jar Binks was really Anakin's secret daddy.p>

Tom takes aim at...

Dan DiGiacomo! Notice the markerboard behind Dan that became the inspiration behind the Masthead in ToyFare #23 featuring the staff as various Star Wars figures!p>

Office of Editor-In-Chief Pat McCallum.

I showed this picture at work to explain to everyone that I'm not the only guy out there who has action figure armies surrounding his PC.


The Warehouse

The warehouse is a storage area for back issues and supplies. In one section is the photo pit where the ToyFare staff assembles various miniatures and scenes for their covers and features. Bits of figures, model kits, tools, glue, paint, and band-aids are their arsenal for creating any scene imaginable.

Here's photographer Paul Schiraldi hard at work with an anxious bunch of Smurfs who were still a bit nervous after their last bit in "Twisted Mego Theater."p>


The Toy Library - where ToyFare keeps all the goodies for various pictures (or for all out action figure wars when nobody is looking). I spotted the Charlee Flatt custom Wolverine, Spider-Man, Venom, and Alex Trebek in one box! Legend has it the Arc of the Covenant lies within.


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